What is skin pigmentation?
Pigmented skin is a complication that mercilessly appears on fine summer days. It can cause gloomy skin and dark patches, likely to make anyone distraught. However, on the bright side, this can be both prevented and cured. Many of our readers reached out to us seeking answers, so we will do our best to explain how it develops and how it can be managed.
The majority of skin pigmentation cases are due to sunburn or harmful UV rays penetrating your skin. So, next time you are out in the sun, remember to gear up, and cover-up appropriately.
Home Remedies
The obvious solution would be to avoid the sun until the final weeks of summer are finally over. However, we understand that this isn’t realistic, and everyone deserves to enjoy the warm, sunny days that summer brings. Instead, we encourage people to enjoy the sun in a safe and responsible matter, taking the necessary precautions to avoid risk of skin pigmentation.
Nonetheless, whether it is due to poor planning or bad luck, skin pigmentation will happen, and it’s important to understand how to manage it when it does occur. We’ve compiled some of our favourite home remedies that are perfect for alleviating the vast majority of cases.

Applying Aloe Vera gel on sunburnt skin is a timeless remedy with proven results. But did you know that tomato paste, red lentil paste, and even green tea extracts are also excellent natural soothers? You can scrub these blends to eliminate dead skin cells and clear up darkened spots. If making a paste sounds like too much trouble, you can pick a fresh yoghurt from the fridge and apply it directly onto the skin. If you’re feeling fancy, a face mask made of papaya, honey, and milk is also effective. Papaya has exfoliating properties and honey & milk reduce hyperpigmentation.
When should you consult a doctor?
Sometimes, skin pigmentation could become severe and develop into cancer cells or other harmful particles. After a long day out in the sun, you should always watch out for changes in your skin. Mild pigmentations can always be cooled off using the advice given above. However, you need to be aware of more severe cases that call for more advanced treatment. In these situations, avoid assessing symptoms on your own and meet a dermatologist to assist you. If in doubt, it is never a bad idea to get it checked out!
Using a recommended sunscreen and regular skin check-ups is also a great way to keep out of trouble. After all, a healthy, clear skin sure promises a healthy, clear mind!.