You can sugar-coat it all you want with nice descriptions such as creamy or buttery skin. However, the truth is that it only means one thing: your skin is too oily. It is alright! It is not as bad as you think and it can be treated effectively with the right methods and products. We’ve got you covered with some effective treatments that will help rebalance your skin’s appearance.
Why So Oily?
The initial reasons for having oily skin can be due to several causes. If your parents have oily skin then there’s a strong possibility that they might have passed it down genetically. If you live in hot and humid environment, brace yourself for the inevitable oily skin. Other factors could include hormonal changes, unhealthy diet, stinging cosmetics and even washing your face too much. You may or may not be able to control the factors that are leading to your own oily skin, but luckily, you have full control of the measures and treatments you can use to combat the problem.
No Oil No Toil
Protect your doll-like face from the oily evil by products containing -wait for it- Oil! This might sound crazy and counterintuitive but it is proven to be an effective combatant against oily skin. A skin product containing oil will balance out the excess oil production in your skin. This is why we love products as the Wild Harvested Organic Rosehip Oil by Blessed By Nature, because it contains all the antioxidants, essential fatty acids and vitamins necessary for restoring skin. These products have fast absorption and natural healing qualities to hydrate and repair any skin type, making them a great choice to fight the oily skin battle for you.