Due to the nature of the product sediments are likely to occur that does not compromise the safety or ethicacy of the product, Continue to use as directed.
The procedure pack contains a cotton tip applicator and a glass vial containing the medicine in gel form. The cotton tip applicator must be inserted into the Vial and through capillary action the liquid is drawn to the top exposed end. It may be necessary to move the cotton tip applicator up and down to allow more medicine to flow. In few cases the product may not flow through, in that case reverse insert the cotton tip applicator into the glass vial. Always use the exposed end only when it is fully saturated with the medicine. Apply by holding the glass vial and pressing the exposed end of the cotton tip applicator gently onto the lesions for up to 30 seconds or more as needed. One thorough application (using all the medicine in the vial) must be applied to each outbreak. In case of an open wound such as a blister stage, a sharp sting may be felt. If symptoms persists after 24 hours apply another single application.
- Insert cotton tip into the Dynamiclear vial.
- Push cotton tip into the liquid.
- Place the cotton tip on the infected area and slide up the vial.
- Apply pressure to the infected area thoroughly for 30 seconds or more.
- Dispose of hygienically.
- Keep dry and allow time to heal without disturbance.
Warnings: Keep away from children, Store in a cool place away from Direct Sunlight at room temperature. Temperature range (10℃ to 30℃).